Our Search Process
- Obtain a complete search assignment and determine the unique opportunity presented by the client and position.
- Establish profile of ideal candidate, including desired skills, background experience and personality type.
- Conduct marketplace research to locate the companies that employ candidates with desirable skill sets and compile a list of targeted companies and candidates.
- Conduct interviews and select most qualified candidates.
- Present short list of qualified candidates and professional profiles to client and discuss results of in-depth candidate interviews.
- Arrange face-to-face or videoteleconference interviews with client.
- Debrief client and candidate and resolve open issues or concerns.
- Provide complete references to client, if requested.
- Assist client where appropriate to develop and extend employment offer.
- Confirm start date with candidate.
- Provide transitional assistance to candidate.
- Follow up with both candidate and client through start date and initial phases of employment.